Privacy policy

The Center understands the spirit of the law, ensures the protection of information, and fulfills its social responsibility.

1. Observance of the laws and ordinances

The center observes laws/ordinances and regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information.

2. Handling of personal information

The handling of personal information is conducted pursuant to the information administrative rules specified by the Center in order to strive hard for the protection.

3. Acquisition of personal information

The Center clarifies the purpose of utilization when acquiring and utilizing the personal information and never attempts to acquire personal information through fraud or in any other unlawful manner.

4. Provision of personal information to a third party

The personal information held by the Center is never disclosed/furnished to a third party except as set forth in the following:

  • When prior consent of the person has been obtained.
  • When required to protect irreplaceable benefits such as life, health, property, etc., of the person or the public.
  • When entrusting to a carrier or a consignee at the point of executing the task requested by the person.
    (in such cases, appropriate entrustees capable of proper handling of the personal information are to be selected to execute the task)
  • When legally obligated to disclose.

5. Appropriate management of the personal information

The Center strives to implement appropriate management/maintenance of the personal information so as to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., from happening.

6. Disclosure, correction and deletion of the personal information

When the disclosure of personal information held by the Center is requested, the information is to be disclosed pursuant to the procedures prescribed, and if mistake/error has been found, shall be corrected immediately.

7. Continuous improvement of the personal information protective measures

The Center strives after the continuous improvement of the personal information protective measures through periodical review so as to properly and strictly maintain the protection of personal information.
