
유학생을 위한 공지


<Lecture in English!>Job hunting support for international students【Preparation session】/<英語で開催!>外国人留学生のための就職支援【準備編】


<Lecture in English!>Job hunting support for international students【Preparation session】


“How can I get a job in Japan ?”

“I would like to listen to a seminar, but I am still learning Japanese and have difficulty understanding it in Japanese...”

We will hold a seminar in English for such international students! This is the only time it will be held in English.

We look forward to your participation!








1.What is job hunting in Japan?/日本の就活ってなに?

2.How does work culture in Japan differ from my home country ?/日本と母国で働くのはなにが違う?



■Date and time/開催日時

May 25th(Sat.)/5月25日(土) 10:00~11:00 




・International students studying Japanese/日本語を勉強中の留学生

・International students who are interested in attending a seminar held in English./英語でセミナーを聞いてみたい留学生


■Apply here/申込はこちら>>  https://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S388276908/ 

 ★You can also apply using the QR code in the flyer./チラシ内のQRコードからも申込みできます。



Registration is open until 2 days before the event/開催2日前まで申込可能 

  You will be contacted after registration./お申込み後、事務局から連絡いたします。


【Organizer/主催】Hiroshima Support Center for International Students/広島県留学生活躍支援センター


CAREER PLANNING Co., Ltd/株式会社キャリアプランニング

TEL: 080-2937-1340(Watanabe/渡邉)

E-mail: myjob@capla.co.jp 

※This project is managed by CAREER PLANNING Co., Ltd on behalf of the organizer./本事業は株式会社キャリアプランニングが受託し運営しております。

