


【募集終了】 6月11日(土)留学生と地域との交流会~田植え体験in東広島


【Participants Wanted】June 11th (Sat) Exchange Program with locals and international students, Rice-planting in Higashi-Hiroshima


We have stopped accepting applications since there were too many applicants.





Try rice-planting with locals, Japanese and international students, only possible during this time of year! You can experience firsthand how rice, a staple food in Japan, is grown. Let’s go barefoot in the mud and enjoy nature together!



We are jointly hosting this event with the Hiroshima Farming Project!


【ひろしま農育プロジェクト とは?】


What is the Hiroshima Farming Project?

This project aims to share the joys of agriculture and food education with young people. University students and citizens of Hiroshima work together to plan enjoyable agricultural activities and address the SDGs.


*ひろしま農育プロジェクト/Hiroshima Farming Project(Twitter)↓↓




イベント名/Event name


/Exchange program with locals and international students; Rice-planting in Higashi Hiroshima

日 時/Time and Date


/June 11th (Sat)2022 9:00~15:00

集合場所/Meeting place

  1. 8:30 JR西条駅 / JR Saijo Station
  2. 8:40 吉行集会所(住所:東広島市西条町吉行894)/ Yoshiyuki Community Center (Address:894 Yoshiyuki, Saijo-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima)


※西条駅か,吉行集会所に直接来てください。Meet at JR Saijo Station or directly at the Yoshiyuki Community Center.

参加費/Participation fee

1,000yen(昼食代として For lunch)

定 員/Capacity

留学生10人 10 international students


*日本人学生と農育ブートキャンプの子どもたちも参加します!Japanese students and children from an agricultural club will join as well.

締 切/Due date

5月31日(火)/ May 31st (Tue)

注 意/Caution





・Your clothes might get dirty with mud. Please come in clothes that are easy to move in and that you don’t mind getting dirty.

・The event will be held in Japanese (there will not be an interpreter).

・Please wear a mask and cooperate with requests for temperature checks and hand sanitization.

・Event subject to cancellation due to COVID-19.

持ち物/What to bring



Change of clothes, sandals, towel, beverage, hat

*You may also bring a ball etc. to play sports/games in the mud.    

申込方法/How to apply

申込フォームから Apply here→ https://bit.ly/38qGrxT




お問い合わせ/Contact information

【担当Supervisor】 沼田Numata

【TEL】   082-541-3777 (平日/Weekdays 8:30~17:00)

【FAX】 082-243-2001

