


【参加者募集】留学生交流イベント~鞆の浦~(HIC×ひとむすび) "International Exchange Event at Tomonoura" (HIC×Hitomusubi)

(English is below)

「ひとむすび」さんと一緒に「留学生交流イベント~鞆の浦~/International Exchange Event at Tomonoura」を開催します!




We will have "International Exchange Event at Tomonoura " with the cooperation of Hitomusubi Inc.

Tomonoura is a famous port town in Fukuyama city.Such as it will be a location place by the movie and the TV drama recently, attention is attracted.

Let’s have an enjoyable time with beautiful scenery and make friends! We are looking forward to your participation!  


●日にち  3月12日(金)

●集 合  ①7:45  広島大学

               ②8:15  西条駅 

               ③10:00 福山駅

●場 所  鞆の浦(福山市)

●参加費  700円

●対象者  広島県内の留学生

●参加人数 25名(応募者多数の場合は抽選)

●内 容

10:45         鞆の浦 着

11:00~12:30 鞆の浦散策(ツアーガイドさんが案内してくれます)

12:30~13:30 ランチ(お弁当),自由散策

13:30~15:00 仙酔島で塩づくり体験,仙酔島散策  *仙酔島:鞆の浦から船で5分のところにある無人島です。     

15:00     鞆の浦 発

15:30     福山駅 着

17:15     西条駅 着

17:30     広島大学着

●申 込 こちらから>   https://bit.ly/3tN0rAS

●締切日 2月25日(木)

●問合せ 合同会社ひとむすび hitomusubi.tour@gmail.com


●Date: 12th March(Fri)

●Meeting Point: ①7:45  Hiroshima university

                        ②8:15  Saijo station

                        ③10:00  Fukuyama station

●Location:  Tomonoura (Fukuyama city)

●Participation fee:700 yen

●Participants: International students in Hiroshima

●Capacity: 25 (If the number of applicants exceeds this, participants will be chosen by lottery.)


10:45        Arrival at Tomonoura

11:00-12:30 Walking around Tomonoura with tour guide

12:00-13:30 Lunch(Lunch box), Free time

13:30-15:00  Making sea salt from seawater at Sensuijima (*Sensuijima is the desert island which floats at 5 minutes by ship from Tomonoura.) 

15:00        Departure from Tomonoura

15:30        Arrival at Fukuyama station

17:15        Arrival at Saijo station

17:30        Arrival at Hiroshima university 

●Apply here>  https://bit.ly/3tN0rAS

●Deadline:25th February (Thu)

●Contact: Hitomusubi hitomusubi.tour@gmail.com

