


【受付終了】留学生交流イベント~三段峡~"International Exchange Event at Sandankyo Gorge"





We apologize for the error in the application form, but have now fixed it!

Please apply for it again!


(English is below)

「ひとむすび」さんと一緒に「留学生交流イベント~三段峡~/International Exchange Event at Sandankyo Gorge」を開催します!



We will have "International Exchange Event at Sandankyo Gorge " with the cooperation of Hitomusubi Inc.

Sandankyo Gorge, Japan’s most beautiful gorge and designated as a national special place of scenic beauty, is a large 16 km-long gorge located in Akiota cho. You can get on the ferryboat and highly clear stream can be seen nearby! The autumn leaves are awesome!!!

Let’s have an enjoyable time with beautiful scenery and new friends! We are looking forward to your participation!  


●日にち  11月8日(日)

●集 合  ①7:45 広島大学(大学会館)

      ②8:15 西条駅 

      ③9:10 広島駅(北口2F ペデストリアンデッキ)

●場 所  三段峡(安芸太田町)

●参加費  700円

●対象者  広島県内の留学生

●参加人数 20名(応募者多数の場合は抽選)

●内 容

10:45~11:45 三段峡(徒歩50分)~黒淵~黒淵渡し舟~黒淵荘

12:00~13:30 ランチ(お弁当)、自由散策

15:00     三段峡 発

16:10     広島駅 着

17:05     広島大学 着

17:35     西条駅 着

●申 込 こちらから> https://forms.gle/pejQRaavziWWnWKQA

締切日 10月22日(木)

●その他 たくさん歩くので、動きやすい服装で参加してください!

●問合せ 合同会社ひとむすび hitomusubi.tour@gmail.com


●Date: 8th November(Sun)

●Meeting Point: ①7:45 Hiroshima university(University Hall)

         ②8:15 Saijo station

         ③9:10  Hiroshima station(North exit 2F pedestrian deck)

●Location:  Sandankyo Gorge(Akiota cho)

●Participation fee:700 yen

●Participants: International students in Hiroshima

●Capacity: 20 (If the number of applicants exceeds this, participants will be chosen by lottery.)


10:45~11:45 Sandankyo Gorge(50-minute walk, then get on the ferryboat at Kurobuchi)

12:00~13:30 Lunch(Lunch box), Free time

15:00        Departure

16:10         Arrival at Hiroshima station

17:05         Arrival at Hiroshima university

17:35         Arrival at Saijo station    

●Apply here> https://forms.gle/pejQRaavziWWnWKQA

Deadline:22th October (Thu)

●Other   Please come in comfortable clothes and shoes for a long walk!

●Contact: Hitomusubi hitomusubi.tour@gmail.com
