


【参加者募集/Participants Wanted!】ホームステイ・ホームビジット/ Homestay・Home visit Program

【参加者募集/Participants Wanted!】ホームステイ・ホームビジット/ Homestay・Home visit Program







Are you interested in spending a wonderful time with a Japanese host family?

Hiroshima International Center(HIC) offers homestay or home visit opportunities to international students in Hiroshima. If you want to experience local Japanese culture, read the details of the application below and sign up.

Take the chance to have a uniquely Japanese experience through culture, language, cuisine etc!



〈実施の様子 the image of homestay/home visit〉




実施期間/Program period

12月,1-3月 / December, from January to March


広島県の大学,短期大学や高等専門学校などに通う留学生 / International students from universities,  junior colleges or technical colleges etc. in Hiroshima.


原則食事代などは留学生が払います。/ As a general rule,  international students pay a food fee.


*Home visit (日帰り / One day)…1,500yen

*Homestay (1泊2日/ Overnight stay)…3,000yen 

しめきり/Due Date 

2022年11月30日(水)November 30, 2022(Sun)


If there are too many applicants, we might move the application deadline earlier.

申しこみ/Application :





This program is basically for international students so you cannot bring your family members. If you want to bring your family, please participate alone first. After your visit, you can discuss with a host family directly whether you can visit there with your family member.

参加までの流れ / Preparation

①      ホストファミリーが受け入れできる日にちや時間,待ち合わせ場所を連絡します。

We will email you the details of the homestays/home visits (dates/times/meeting spot etc.)

②      その日に参加できる留学生は,メールに返信してください。

Please respond to the email if you can participate.

③      HICがホストファミリーとマッチングを行い,参加できるかどうか連絡します。

We will assign host families and let you know whether you can participate.

④      オリエンテーション(Zoom)に参加します。

You will participate in an orientation(Zoom).

⑤      参加できる留学生の情報(名前,出身国,性別,学校,食事制限)をホストファミリーに伝えます。

We will share participants’ information (name, nationality, gender identity, school, dietary restrictions) with their host family.

⑥      留学生のみなさんに,ホストファミリーの連絡先を教えます。

We will share host families’ information with participants.

⑦      ホストファミリーと留学生が直接連絡を取ってもらい,当日の待ち合わせ場所や時間,持ち物を再度確認します。

We will have participants and their host families get in direct contact, and confirm a meeting place and time, and what to bring again.

⑧      ホームステイ・ホームビジット実施!

The homestays and home visits will begin!



Schedule is subject to change due to COVID-19.

主 催/Organizer

公益財団法人ひろしま国際センター/Hiroshima International Center(HIC)




【担当/Supervisor】 沼田(Numata)

【TEL】   082-541-3777 (平日8:30~17:00)

【FAX】 082-243-2001

